Concert Reviews

Experience PRS 2010: Plant Tour, Guitars Galore and a Big Tent Jam

Posted September 24, 2010 at 10:30 pm | 3 comments

Today, Matt Warnock, Editor, Guitar International and I focused most of our time on the operations and production side of the PRS guitar equation.

Posted in: Concert Reviews, Guitars and Gear, Reviews

Savassi Jazz Festival 2010: Guitars Galore

Posted September 22, 2010 at 12:00 pm | One comment

Almost by pure coincidence I found myself in Belo Horizonte, Brazil during the first week of August, 2010, just as the city’s annual Savassi Jazz Festival was fully under way.

Posted in: Concert Reviews, Jazz, Reviews

UFSJ Inverno Cultural: A Brazilian Guitar Experience

Posted September 22, 2010 at 10:02 am | 3 comments

During my week long course on jazz-guitar improvisation, I meet with the students for four hours each afternoon on the University’s newly built campus extension which houses the music department. The students came from a wide variety of backgrounds, and were at various levels in their musical development, but one thing that they all shared was an eagerness to learn and an enjoyment of all things guitar.

Posted in: Concert Reviews, Reviews

Tornado Rider Rocks Chicago

Posted September 20, 2010 at 10:59 am | One comment

A seemingly insignificant event happened last weekend: two touring bands from the Bay Area played in the basement of the Double Door in Chicago to a measly crowd of about twenty people. To anyone not in the “Dirtroom,” this paltry concert might as well have not happened at all, and this truth is incredibly unfortunate.

Posted in: Concert Reviews, Indie Rock-Pop, Reviews

On Stage With Paulinho Garcia: Brazilian Guitar at its Best

Posted September 19, 2010 at 12:14 pm | 5 comments

On a cool, rainy fall evening in downtown Chicago, the kind of day that painfully reminds the city’s residents that the long, cold winter is fast approaching, the Paulinho Garcia Quartet featuring Art Davis took the stage at the Auditorium Theater and warmed the crowd with two breathtaking sets of Brazilian standards and arrangements of American jazz classics.

Posted in: Concert Reviews, Jazz, Reviews

Airbourne at Uproar Fest: Fueled on Sweat and Budweiser

Posted September 11, 2010 at 6:18 am | One comment

What do you get when you combine some of the top metal bands, booze, stage diving and partying outside on a broiling hot New Jersey summer day? Hell, it must be the Rockstar Energy Drink UPROAR Festival. This festival, like the Rockstar Mayhem Festival, has two stages of live music and plenty of the same drunken craziness.

Posted in: Concert Reviews, Metal, Reviews

Queensryche Interview: Life on the Road

Posted August 21, 2010 at 11:56 am | 5 comments

You are a guitarist in a successful rock band. You are planning to tour in support of your most recent record, which has sold more than a million copies. The tour will take you throughout most of the world. The following test will help you to spend on tour. Remember, your band is a platinum-selling act, and one of the most popular hard-rock bands around.

Posted in: '80s Rock, Concert Reviews, Reviews

Buddy Guy: Live in Peoria

Posted June 28, 2010 at 4:04 pm | One comment

As the night crept by and the Sun slowly started to set, the backdrop changed from a pale blue sky to a multi-gray canvas with patches of pure darkness that were headed right towards us. Buddy Guy’s band began taking the stage one by one and you could feel the anticipation growing, anticipation that we were soon to be greeted by one of the greatest performers and showman of all time. I don’t want to sound clichéd, but the word “legendary” is truly what comes to mind when you see Buddy Guy take the stage.

Posted in: Blues, Concert Reviews, Reviews

Moreland and Arbuckle: Live in Peoria

Posted June 28, 2010 at 3:34 pm | No comments

The Illinois River, a massive iron bridge that stretches across it, and a pale blue sky that threatened rain like a school yard bully, served as the backdrop at the Peoria, IL Steamboat Days celebration, June 18, 2010. It looked like the perfect day for a blues concert, and minus the erratic weather, turned out to be one of the best shows I’ve seen in awhile. Playing tunes from their latest release, Flood, Moreland and Arbuckle commanded the stage with their brilliant concoction of Mississippi-esque Blues and high energy Southern rock. These guys are a welcome break from the 12-bar form in a Robert Johnson-like manner, telling a story of tragedy and overcoming it from chord to chord.

Posted in: Blues, Concert Reviews, Reviews

Sheryl Crow Rocks Wolf Trap: Review and Photo Gallery

Posted June 23, 2010 at 6:52 am | No comments

Sheryl Crow and her talented crew rocked the grounds at the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts, Vienna, Virginia , June 17, 2010, with a robust show filled with hit after major hit.

Posted in: Concert Reviews, Reviews, Singer Songwriter