Posted September 20, 2010 at 10:59 am | One comment
A seemingly insignificant event happened last weekend: two touring bands from the Bay Area played in the basement of the Double Door in Chicago to a measly crowd of about twenty people. To anyone not in the “Dirtroom,” this paltry concert might as well have not happened at all, and this truth is incredibly unfortunate.
Posted in: Concert Reviews, Indie Rock-Pop, Reviews
Posted September 20, 2010 at 7:30 am | 8 comments
During the second half of the 20th century, the guitar has overtaken the piano as the instrument of choice for households and individuals across America. Gone are the days when the family gathered around the piano after dinner to sing their favorite songs. Now, if there’s an instrument in the house, or if you ask anyone if they play an instrument, odds are that it’ll be a guitar. With the guitar’s popularity skyrocketing, it is no coincidence that an entire industry has grown out of teaching people how to play the instrument.
Posted in: Great Guitar Blogs, Reviews
Posted September 19, 2010 at 12:14 pm | 5 comments
On a cool, rainy fall evening in downtown Chicago, the kind of day that painfully reminds the city’s residents that the long, cold winter is fast approaching, the Paulinho Garcia Quartet featuring Art Davis took the stage at the Auditorium Theater and warmed the crowd with two breathtaking sets of Brazilian standards and arrangements of American jazz classics.
Posted in: Concert Reviews, Jazz, Reviews
Posted September 18, 2010 at 11:00 am | One comment
Guitarist and composer Fabrizio Sotti released his much anticipated jazz album Inner Dance earlier this year after taking a hiatus from the jazz world. For the past few years Sotti was making a name for himself in the hip hop and rock world, and was keeping himself busy working with well known artists like Dead Prez, Q-Tip, Tupac Shakur, Jennifer Lopez, and Whitney Houston.
Posted in: Jazz, Jazz Reviews, Reviews
Posted September 17, 2010 at 10:53 am | 2 comments
In all the years I studied evolutionary biology in school, there was one word I can hardly believe I didn’t learn.
Posted in: Op-Ed, Reviews, Singer Songwriter
Posted September 15, 2010 at 10:57 am | 18 comments
In inside look at 10 of the best Glam Metal albums that any rock guitarist should have in their library.
Posted in: '80s Rock, Metal Reviews, Reviews
Posted September 13, 2010 at 4:30 pm | 3 comments
Gear. Effects Pedals. Amps. Guitarists love their toys. Whether it’s a tricked out Strat, a hot-rodded Marshall amp or the latest effects pedal, most guitarists have a big soft spot when it comes to technology and their instrument. Even classical guitarists, who play unplugged, suffer from the same disease. Don’t think so? Next time you’re hanging out with a classical cat, ask about their footstool or nail files. They’ll regale you with all of the latest developments in sandpaper technology and why you absolutely must use a diamond tipped nail file to get the best tone. See, we’re all part of the same, gear-addicted club.
Posted in: Great Guitar Blogs, Reviews
Posted September 11, 2010 at 6:19 am | 2 comments
One of the most overlooked aspects of practicing any instrument is what I would call “micro-practicing,” which is the practice of isolating a small passage of a musical piece or technique that may contain a challenging element. This single, challenging element is what we’ll focus on when we micro-practice. The entire solo, riff, lick or composition is not repeated over and over again, only the area that may contain whatever it is that we find challenging, and thus prevents us from performing at our optimum level.
Posted in: Guitar Lessons, Rock Guitar Lessons
Posted September 11, 2010 at 6:18 am | One comment
What do you get when you combine some of the top metal bands, booze, stage diving and partying outside on a broiling hot New Jersey summer day? Hell, it must be the Rockstar Energy Drink UPROAR Festival. This festival, like the Rockstar Mayhem Festival, has two stages of live music and plenty of the same drunken craziness.
Posted in: Concert Reviews, Metal, Reviews
Posted September 10, 2010 at 7:00 am | No comments
I’m going to start this review with a generalization; I think that a guitarist never thinks his “tone” is good enough unless he feels happy about the gear he is using.
Posted in: Gear Reviews, Guitars and Gear, Reviews