Orange Rocker 30C All Valve Guitar Amplifier

Rocker 30 Combo "Finally", I hear you cry! "A 30 watt 1x12 Orange combo!" The Rocker 30 is the amplifier that so many have asked for. Perfect for small gigs, phenomenal in the studio, and guess what? Carrying it won't break your back! This amplifier was built to be practical, but to also be the best sounding small combo you've ever played! The Natural Channel The natural channel is probably the simplest amplifier channel you will ever find! Comprised of just a single volume control, it injects your 'natural' guitar sound straight into the power amp. Expect to hear all kinds of varying tone every time you switch out guitars! After all, you spent all that money on owning different guitars, you may as well hear them! The Dirty Channel Hot on the heals of it's bigger Rockerverb brothers, this little amp has more class A gain than any Orange amplifier ever built! In fact a third gain stage has been included to take your guitar tone to a whole new level! You'll be able to sustain notes for days. Of course, as you would expect from an Orange, all those retro classic blues sounds and British crunch are still there. So... Is the Rocker 30 the perfect, pint sized Orange? I guess we'll just let you decide! Speakers An amplifier's speaker shapes it's tone into the actual sound your ears hear. The Rocker 30 combo is loaded with a Celestion Vintage 30 12" speaker to ensure that your ears get to hear the purest possible tone money can buy!