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Muse Plug In Baby Guitar Tab: Free Muse Guitar Tab

Muse Plug In Baby Guitar Tab: Free Muse Guitar Tab

Posted March 20, 2011 at 8:05 am | No comments

Peaking as the band’s top single at the time when it was released in 2001, “Plug In Baby” has become one of Muse’s most notable and recognizable songs in the years since it first appeared on their album Origin of Symmetry. Borrowing from a variety of influences, including Bach’s “Toccata and Fugue in D Minor” for the opening guitar riff, Air’s “Sexy Boy” for the bass line and DJ Shadow’s track “Organ Donor,” the song brings together many of the classic inspirations that have come together in the musical melting pot that is Muse.

Posted in: Guitar Tab

Jonathan Kreisberg Shadowless Review

Jonathan Kreisberg Shadowless Review

Posted March 20, 2011 at 8:00 am | No comments

Jonathan Kriesberg is one of the more interesting voices in contemporary Jazz Guitar. His compositions are well structured and thoughtful and he manages to blend traditional musical form with modern harmonies and melodic concepts. Kriesberg has a solid and fluid technical ability that is a pleasure to listen to. His tone is somewhat Methenyesque, but definitely is still his own unique sound.

Posted in: Jazz, Jazz Reviews, Reviews

John McLaughlin Meet and Greet at Godin Musikmesse Booth

John McLaughlin Meet and Greet at Godin Musikmesse Booth

Posted March 20, 2011 at 7:56 am | No comments

McLaughlin has been a Godin player for years and currently plays a Freeway SA live and in studio, as well as a Godin Passion RG-2. This model features 2x Custom Godin Humbuckers, Godin High-Definition Revoicer, 13-pin capabilities and USB output for recording & direct computer access. The RG-2 also features a spruce body and highly figured carved flame maple top, along with synchronized resonance chambers in the body making it incredibly lightweight and resonant.

Posted in: Guitar Events, Guitar News

Koentopp Guitars Expands With New Website

Koentopp Guitars Expands With New Website

Posted March 20, 2011 at 5:12 am | No comments

Koentopp Guitars has launched a new website showcasing its new line of handmade guitars. The new website incorporates beautiful pictures of Dan Koentopp at work as well as high definition pictures of each instrument from his line of Archtops, Classicals, and Electric Guitars. Dan makes it evident that each guitar is meticulously crafted by hand with the customer in mind from the very beginning.

Posted in: Guitar News, Guitars and Gear, Industry News

Lou Volpe Here and Now Review

Lou Volpe Here and Now Review

Posted March 19, 2011 at 8:00 am | 3 comments

Lou Volpe has an outstanding professional resume. He has appeared as a sideman with many great jazz and pop artists. A partial list includes Herbie Hancock, Chet Baker, Herbie Mann, Peggy Lee and the Manhattan Transfer. Volpe was a student of Sal Salvador and spent quite a bit of time in jam sessions with Les Paul.

Posted in: Jazz, Jazz Reviews, Reviews

Metallica Sad But True Guitar Tab: Free Metallica Guitar Tab

Metallica Sad But True Guitar Tab: Free Metallica Guitar Tab

Posted March 19, 2011 at 6:00 am | No comments

I wonder if Metallica knew how big their fifth album was going to be when they recorded it, which was self-titled but is often referred to as the “Black Album” due to its all black cover. Already at the top of the thrash-metal world at the time, after Metallica was released the band became international stars in the rock world as well, as the album’s singles and videos received massive airplay on radio stations and video channels across the globe. Though the album was a bit of a departure from their previous, more thrash oriented, releases, it still remains a fan favorite to this day, and helped land the band in the upper echelon of rock stardom.

Posted in: Guitar Tab

Metallica Am I Evil Guitar Tab: Free Metallica Guitar Tab

Metallica Am I Evil Guitar Tab: Free Metallica Guitar Tab

Posted March 18, 2011 at 1:00 pm | No comments

Originally written by ‘80s metal band Diamond Head, the song “Am I Evil” has had an interesting journey over the years as it rose from relative obscurity to a metal powerhouse, helped along the way by some of the biggest names of the Thrash era. The song was given little acclaim when it was released on Diamond Head’s 1980 album Lightning for the Nations, but, in 1988, after it was featured on Metallica’s reissue of their album Kill ‘Em All, the song found mainstream success and has since gone on to make enough royalties for Diamond Head that the band has credited it with allowing them to continue as a band.

Posted in: Guitar Tab

Lynyrd Skynyrd Simple Man Guitar Tab: Free Lynyrd Skynyrd Guitar Tab

Lynyrd Skynyrd Simple Man Guitar Tab: Free Lynyrd Skynyrd Guitar Tab

Posted March 17, 2011 at 12:15 pm | No comments

Whether you’re a fan of Southern swamp rock or not, you have to admit that Lynyrd Skynyrd’s album Lynyrd Skynyrd (pronounced ‘lĕh-‘nérd ‘skin-‘nérd)is one of the best debut albums by any rock band of all time. With “Gimme Three Steps,” “Tuesday’s Gone,” and of course the iconic arena-rock anthem “Free Bird” all finding spots on the record, it’s no wonder that the album launched the band to national fame, a career which through many ups and downs continues to this day. For instance, the album cover features 7 members, though at the time of its release the band only had 6 members since bassist Leon Wilkeson had quite even before the first record was released.

Posted in: Guitar Tab

Led Zeppelin Since I’ve Been Lovin’ You Guitar Tab: Free Led Zeppelin Guitar Tab

Led Zeppelin Since I’ve Been Lovin’ You Guitar Tab: Free Led Zeppelin Guitar Tab

Posted March 16, 2011 at 2:15 am | No comments

“Since I’ve Been Loving You” has always been known as a song that showcases Jimmy Page’s great blues-guitar chops, but few people might realize that it was tracked live in the studio by the legendary rock band Led Zeppelin. Because it was tracked live, you can still hear the squeaking of John Bonham’s bass-drum pedal during the song, and it was also one of the hardest songs to record during the Led Zeppelin III sessions. At the time, Page wasn’t happy with his guitar solo on the song, he just couldn’t find the tone he was looking for. So, he decided to take a walk to clear his head, and he stumbled upon an old, unused amp lying around the studio, which he would later use on the song as he loved the tone that it produced.

Posted in: Guitar Tab

Claude Hay Interview: The Art of the One Man Band

Claude Hay Interview: The Art of the One Man Band

Posted March 15, 2011 at 10:00 am | No comments

When one hears the words “one-man band,” they often get a comical picture of a cartoon like character dancing around with a bunch of instruments strapped to his back. While this may work for the movies or in TV shows, it is musicians like Claude Hay that take this term and turn it into an art form. Utilizing modern technology such as loop pedals and effects, Hay is able to bring together multiple layers of instruments and sounds into his songs, both in the studio and live, all without hiring a band. He is a DIY musician in the purest sense.

Posted in: Blues, Blues Interviews, Guitar Hero Interviews, Interviews