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Nirvana Lithium Guitar Tab

Nirvana Lithium Guitar Tab

Posted April 28, 2011 at 9:12 am | No comments

Featuring their Pixies inspired loud-soft alternating sections, “Lithium” became a huge hit for Nirvana when it was released as the third single from their 1992 legendary Grunge album Nevermind. The song, and album, would become a beloved track for many Grunge and Alt-Rock fans the world over, and a death blow for the hair bands of the ‘80s who were blown out of the radio waves when Nirvana and their unique Seattle sound took the music world by storm. Though Nirvana would only be around for a short time after their breakout album was released, their influence is still felt in almost every rock band to this day.

Posted in: Guitar Tab

No Doubt Don’t Speak Guitar Tab

No Doubt Don’t Speak Guitar Tab

Posted April 27, 2011 at 10:59 am | No comments

“Don’t Speak” – No Doubt Free Official TAB of the Day Click the link below to get the TAB: The first 10 readers each day get the TAB for free and everyone else gets a 50% discount until midnight after the freebies run out, then it’s 15% off after that. Remember, the first ten downloads […]

Posted in: Guitar Tab

Norah Jones Chasing Pirates Guitar Tab

Norah Jones Chasing Pirates Guitar Tab

Posted April 26, 2011 at 8:06 am | No comments

With her sultry vocals, jazzy harmonies and cool, laid back grooves, vocalist and songwriter Norah Jones went in a new direction with her 2009 release “Chasing Pirates.” The daughter of famed Indian musician Ravi Shankar, Jones has music in her blood and it has helped her climb to the top of the jazz charts, and make her a crossover success in the pop world as well. With the song’s skeleton written, Jones sat down with a few of her friends at her house to work out the final arrangement of the song. The end result garnered the singer her third Grammy nomination, though she didn’t win the award, and a huge pop success in the process.

Posted in: Guitar Tab

Quinn Sullivan Interview: The Future of Blues Guitar

Quinn Sullivan Interview: The Future of Blues Guitar

Posted April 26, 2011 at 7:09 am | 3 comments

Featured on Jimmy Kimmel Live, written up in Guitar World Magazine, been a featured guest with Buddy Guy multiple times at his Legends Blues club in Chicago, and just celebrated his 12th birthday. Yep you read that last part right. Most guitarists would be happy with having the chance to have one of those accomplishments on their resumes by the middle of their careers, yet East Coast Blues sensation Quinn Sullivan has been there and done that, and he still has four years to wait to get his driver’s license.

Posted in: Blues, Blues Interviews, Interviews

Craig Hopkins Interview: The Essential Stevie Ray Vaughan

Craig Hopkins Interview: The Essential Stevie Ray Vaughan

Posted April 25, 2011 at 4:22 pm | No comments

Craig Hopkins, author of The Essential Stevie Ray Vaughan, has written a book to fill the appetites of all SRV fans. His book offers readers a comprehensive account of key milestones in SRV’s short, yet monumental music career. More importantly, Craig provides insights into Stevie’s humanity and generosity of spirit. I caught up with Craig just after he’d published his book to discuss how his interest in Stevie emerged and the path he took that resulted in his outstanding contribution to the SRV legacy.

Posted in: Blues, Blues Interviews, Interviews

Oasis Wonderwall Guitar Tab

Oasis Wonderwall Guitar Tab

Posted April 25, 2011 at 10:42 am | No comments

“Wonderwall” – Oasis Free Official TAB of the Day Click the link below to get the TAB: The first 10 readers each day get the TAB for free and everyone else gets a 50% discount until midnight after the freebies run out, then it’s 15% off after that. Remember, the first ten downloads are free […]

Posted in: Guitar Tab

Faze Interview: Saudi Arabian Rock n Roll

Faze Interview: Saudi Arabian Rock n Roll

Posted April 25, 2011 at 8:56 am | No comments

When one thinks of Saudi Arabia, a strong and open music scene doesn’t normally come to mind, but as is the case with many cultural stereotypes, looks can be deceiving. One of the artists that is looking to shed light on the Saudi musical scene and heritage is guitarist, and current Vancouver resident, Faze, and his Faze Project is an exciting new instrumental record that features world-class playing and writing. Aside from his work as a performer and recording artist, Faze is also an experienced teacher who is spreading his wings into the realm of live workshops and internet guitar lessons. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for Faze, he’s definitely ready to make a splash on the international, instrumental-guitar scene.

Posted in: Instrumental Interviews, Interviews, Rock

Sheryl Bailey Bebop Flow Video Lesson Review

Sheryl Bailey Bebop Flow Video Lesson Review

Posted April 25, 2011 at 8:24 am | No comments

Learning to play jazz guitar, especially Bebop jazz guitar, often seems like a daunting task to say the least. Many books exist on the subject, but many times these books just further to complicate the matter, providing pages and pages of theory and exercises without ever fully explaining how to take all of this information and turn it into an improvised solo. As well, it is often best to study one on one with an accomplished jazz guitarist to get the most out of one’s Bebop learning experience, but many of us don’t live in a city with such a performer and can’t travel to New York or Chicago to take a guitar lesson.

Posted in: Jazz, Jazz Reviews, Reviews

Ben Monder Interview: Focusing on the Basics

Ben Monder Interview: Focusing on the Basics

Posted April 24, 2011 at 9:56 am | 4 comments

Back in around 1999, I was studying jazz performance at Vanier College in Montreal. As any typical young player in the ‘90s, I was into the classic players such as Wes Montgomery, Pat Martino and Joe Pass, a few obscure guitarists like Lenny Breau and Ed Bickert and of course had spent my obligatory time with Pat Metheny’s catalogue. But then one day my teacher Nick Di Tomasso, who had incredible foresight, gave me a record and said, “If you think those guys can play, you need to check out this album, it’ll change your life.” That would be an understatement to say the least. The album was Dust by the New York based, virtuoso guitarist Ben Monder.

Posted in: Guitar Hero Interviews, Interviews, Jazz, Jazz Interviews

Ozzy Osbourne Crazy Train Guitar Tab

Ozzy Osbourne Crazy Train Guitar Tab

Posted April 24, 2011 at 7:57 am | No comments

“Crazy Train” – Ozzy Osbourne Free Official TAB of the Day Click the link below to get the TAB: The first 10 readers each day get the TAB for free and everyone else gets a 50% discount until midnight after the freebies run out, then it’s 15% off after that. Remember, the first ten downloads […]

Posted in: Guitar Tab