Posted May 3, 2011 at 8:31 am | No comments
“Melissa” – Allman Brothers Free Official TAB of the Day Click the link below to get the TAB: The first 10 readers each day get the TAB for free and everyone else gets a 50% discount until midnight after the freebies run out, then it’s 15% off after that. Remember, the first ten downloads are […]
Posted in: Guitar Tab
Posted May 2, 2011 at 3:26 pm | No comments
After being asked, “What’s the greatest three minutes of your life?” Shock-rock legend Alice Cooper answered, “There’s two times during the year. One is Christmas morning, when you’re just getting ready to open the presents. The greed factor is right there. The next one is the last three minutes of the last day of school when you’re sitting there and it’s like a slow fuse burning. I said, ‘If we can catch that three minutes in a song, it’s going to be so big.'” And he did, turning “School’s Out” into one of the biggest hits of the ‘70s, and later the ‘90s when it was featured in Richard Linklater’s coming of age classic film “Dazed and Confused.”
Posted in: Guitar Tab
Posted May 2, 2011 at 3:18 pm | 6 comments
This fifth installment in the Fast and the Furious film franchise pulls out more than all the stops. Riding on the blockbuster success of 2009’s fourth chapter in the series, Fast & Furious, this edition shows off its infusion of big budget production, international jet set locales, gorgeous cinematography, and sports spectacular high-tech gadgetry and breathtaking stunts. Bigger, bolder and badass to the core, before its opening weekend even ended, Fast Five reportedly already earned some $84 million, surpassing all expectations, making it the most successful film in the series.
Posted in: DVD Reviews, Guitar Films, Reviews
Posted May 2, 2011 at 8:49 am | No comments
With the online guitar learning community exploding over the past decade, several names have risen to the top of the heap as the leaders in online guitar education. One of these players is Jimmy Bruno, and recently Jimmy has branched out on his own, after working with another company on a previous website, to launch a new site called the Jimmy Bruno Guitar Workshop. If the past is prologue to the future, then this site should be a great resource for guitarists of all levels and backgrounds that are looking to better themselves as players, and all at a very affordable price.
Posted in: Interviews, Jazz, Jazz Interviews
Posted May 2, 2011 at 7:21 am | 7 comments
Before I played one note on the Cort Gene Simmons Punisher 2 Bass I needed to properly prepare for the occasion. I first needed to re-acquaint myself with Kiss’ Destroyer and secondly, and most importantly, I needed to be wearing a Kiss make-up era shirt. You may be asking yourself why a make-up era shirt when the original Punisher was first introduced by Gene in 1992-93 during Kiss’ Revenge album? The answer is simple, I wanted too!
Posted in: Gear Reviews, Guitars and Gear, Reviews
Posted May 1, 2011 at 3:26 pm | No comments
“Rock n Roll Train” was not only a huge hit single for the band ACDC, released on their 2008 album Black Ice, the song also became the first piece of music from a major artist to be leaked legally on the internet. A member of the sound crew took it upon himself to memorize the song’s main guitar riff, then later sang it on video, which he uploaded to YouTube. As well, the single was released on a 7-inch vinyl record, with the B side being the song “War Machine,” a throwback to the early days of rock, and ACDC’s career, when 7-inch records were released.
Posted in: Guitar Tab
Posted May 1, 2011 at 9:11 am | One comment
With the decline of Gibson and Fender over the years, two things have happened to the guitar industry, there has been a dramatic rise in more affordable, foreign-made guitars, and the private, small luthier market has also grown in leaps and bounds. There is something about working one-on-one with a master maker that turns a normal guitar into a piece of treasured art. Jazz guitar virtuoso Jack Grassel recently teamed up with luthier Dan Smocke to build Jack’s perfect guitar, and the resulting instrument is absolutely first rate.
Posted in: Guitars and Gear, Industry Interviews, Interviews
Posted April 30, 2011 at 11:04 am | No comments
“Heart of Gold” – Neil Young Free Official TAB of the Day Click the link below to get the TAB: The first 10 readers each day get the TAB for free and everyone else gets a 50% discount until midnight after the freebies run out, then it’s 15% off after that. Remember, the first ten […]
Posted in: Guitar Tab
Posted April 29, 2011 at 9:12 am | No comments
Though it was written by classical composer Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, “Flight of the Bumblebee” has since become a favorite vehicle for guitarists to prove their mettle as the fastest, baddest player around. The song was used in 2008 by virtuoso, Brazilian speed-picker Tiago Della Vega to set the Guinness record for the fastest guitarist alive. Vega performed the piece in a wide swath of tempos, starting with a relatively slow speed and working his way up to the mind-boggling 320 beats per minute, all while looking like he barely breaks a sweat. It may not be the most musical thing in the world, but from a purely technical standpoint Vega’s accomplishment is astonishing.
Posted in: Guitar Tab
Posted April 28, 2011 at 8:20 pm | No comments
Not only does Hawaiian-born ukulele virtuoso Jake Shimabukuro make his little four-string axe gently weep, he also makes it sweep, soar, and sing. In his hands, the ukulele roams the halls of folk, jazz, flamenco, rock, funk, the blues, bluegrass and classical music. Along with his astonishing talent, Jake’s winning smile and generous personality have been recognized by the State of Hawaii that has named him a Goodwill Ambassador for the island paradise.
Posted in: Country, Country Interviews, Interviews