By: Rick Landers
A herd of PRS Guitars – photo credit: Rick Landers
Many guitar players love the melodic sounds of sweep picking, tracking through the notes of chord patterns they’re used to strumming.
After reviewing a lot of guitar lesson videos on sweep picking, I found the following TOP three videos clearly presented the basic concepts and practice techniques necessary to build your guitar speed, while articulating single notes that don’t end up like mush. In time, and it takes time, you’ll soon enough find yourself playing with what I call “spirited attack”.
With the discipline to practice daily, pushing your accelerator one or two extra notes a day and setting a reasonable goal, most guitarists will be able to sweep pick in about 100 days. Having said that, the final video offers some sound advice that suggests it’s better to learn to relax and lighten your pressure on the strings, and there’s no need to practice by increasing the speed – this too seems to make very good sense.d
Figure out what makes the best sense for you!