Press Release
Source: Guitar International Magazine
Reston, VA (February 21, 2018) – After a long breather, Guitar International magazine is back from our hiatus to offer our fellow music and guitar enthusiasts with news and information about acoustic and electric guitars.
We will, however, broaden our coverage to include more emphasis on vintage guitars, buying and selling guitars, music careers, unique guitars, music industry challenges, innovations and personalities. And to be true to our name, we will seek out musicians from around the globe to discover and learn more about the diversity of musical styles.
Slowly, we will be populating Guitar International with our vintage interviews, reviews, news and other information. So, in some respect we’re at the crossroads, looking forward to a new improved phase of our magazine.
Initially, you may find Guitar International quite barren of what you relied on in the past with respect to nearly 2,800 pages of free content. We are reviewing our past content and will replenish GI with news and information that continue to be of value to you.
Guitar International is a reflection of how well our contributing writers and photographers, public relations professionals, both amateur and professional musicians, transcribers, webmasters, editors and other staff have worked to build a professional on-line guitar magazine that is free.
Our intent has always been and will continue to be to protect and respect our readers’ privacy, and we will continue to seek to align our own ambitions and altruism to produce a good “product”. Our writing will seek to be of the highest standards, yet at the same time allow those we interview to speak freely. We will, however, retain our right to publish or not publish content at our sole discretion.
We also strongly support the efforts of our friends at both on-line and print guitar magazines and urge you to help them retain their professional staffs to provide news and information about acoustic and electric guitars.
We at Guitar International consider ourselves members of a guitar enthusiast community and we fully recognize the challenges to “get the word out” about our favorite musical instrument.
Many fine print and on-line guitar-centric magazines have come and gone since Guitar International was founded in 2005, as Modern Guitar Magazine.
It’s a tough road. And we recognize the many challenges that have faced print guitar magazines since we started, and our hat’s off to our competitors for their creative talents, fortitude and passion for our favorite instrument.
All of us at Guitar International look forward to serving you as one of many guitar news and information resources.
Mike Shea (7 years ago)
Glad to have you back in business!
Guitar International Magazine (7 years ago)
Thanks Mike….! Talk to you soon! Rick