Lollapalooza 2011: “Don’t Miss” List Day Two!

By: Brady Lavin

Overwhelmed by the massiveness of Lollapalooza this year? No need! Check out these four bands you shouldn’t miss on Lolla’s second day. Click here for our first day list.

Don’t miss… Phantogram! (1:30 pm at the Sony stage)

Yesterday I mentioned that Ratatat was one of the first electronic duos that incorporated live instruments, and Phantogram has the same sort of format. Phantogram, however, has a much more subdued pop sound rather than the dancey driving beat of Ratatat. They’re moody, groove-based electronica is the perfect base for lead vocalist Sarah Barthel’s airy and delicate vocal lines and Josh Carter’s minimalist guitar hooks and often heavily-processed vocals.

Phantogram has been captivating audiences since only 2007, but in that short period of time they have honed their stage show well. Songs like the wobbly “Running From The Cops” and the slow, emotive “Mouthful of Diamonds” translate to a live setting amazingly, and it certainly helps that Barthel is absolutely beautiful. Check out the music video of “Running From The Cops” below to get a taste of Phantogram’s uniquely hypnotic style.

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Don’t miss… Friendly Fires! (2:15 pm at the Bud Light stage)

Who feels like getting funky? Everyone? Good. Then everyone should see Friendly Fires, who will throw down their distinctive version of disco-funk pop. The British threesome make heavy use of backing tracks to achieve their lush, layered arrangements, but live drums, guitar, and (obviously) vocals make sure Friendly Fires stay organic.

Singer Ed Macfarlane’s crystal clear tenor is the centerpiece, hitting bell-like tones that soar above a percussion- and synth-heavy backdrop provided by Jack Savidge and Edd Gibson. It is just a shame that Friendly Fires has to play such an early slot, because just hearing their music conjures images of unified dance floors under a frenetic light show with bright white lights. To get a taste, check out this video for their single, “Blue Cassette” from their new album, Pala, which came out in May of this year:

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Don’t miss… Lykke Li! (7:15 pm at the Google+ stage)

Swedish vixen Lykke Li exploded onto the indie music scene a couple years back, and since then, she has been winning over new fans left and right. Her self-assured nature and piercing stare don’t seem to match her lilting little voice, but that’s no matter. The Swedish singer/songwriter, whose two studio albums were produced by Bjorn Yttling of Peter, Bjorn and John, another standout Swedish indie act, writes slightly poppy, slightly dancey, indie roots songs that have that different angle that comes from English not being her native language.

Lykke Li has plenty of YouTube videos where she and her bandmates play minimalized versions of their songs acoustically in odd places, like the one where they perform the prophetic “I’m Good, I’m Gone” in a public restroom, with spoons on porcelain as the sole percussion (check it out below). I have a feeling that her set at Lolla will likey be a bit more bombastic than that, but there will definitely be some chances to hear Lykke Li’s pure voice exposed on songs like “After Laughter” and “Tonight.”

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Don’t miss… Atmosphere! (7:30 pm at the Sony Stage)

Rapper Slug and DJ/Producer Ant of Atmosphere are true veterans. They have been around the alternative hip hop scene since 1989, entirely without major label support, and have been commercially and critically successful throughout that entire time period. They have never broken into the mainstream, preferring instead to reject clubified beats and lyrics about cars and bitches in favor of real guitars and other instruments providing the grooves for Slug’s introspective lyrics about real life.

Atmosphere usually play live with a full band, including drums, guitarist, bassist and a keyboardist, which brings more of a jazz-influenced, improvisational feel to the stage, but the lyrics are really the centerpiece, as it should be for hip hop. Slug’s allegorical and metaphorical writing style lends itself greatly to heavy themes and imagery of the hard life, and his performance style comes off with an incredible amount of passion to match it. Check out Atmosphere’s video for “Guarantees” below.

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One Comment

  1. Two Rabbits (12 years ago)

    We had the chance to design the Tour Poster for Friendly Fires.