By: Arlene R. Weiss
Producer Steven Spielberg’s and DreamWorks® Pictures’ first film to be released through their new 30 picture distribution deal with Walt Disney Company’s® Touchstone Pictures® has a lot going for it.
Co-Producer Michael Bay optioned the bestselling novel I Am Number Four, authored by James Frey and Jobie Hughes, and assembled a smart and savvy screenwriting team comprised of Smallville’s Alfred Gough and Miles Millar and Buffy The Vampire Slayer’s Marti Noxon. With Disturbia Director D.J. Caruso at the helm, expectations loomed high for a bright, intelligent, science fiction thriller steeped in thoughtful character development, emotional resolve, and rich narrative. Well, maybe not so much.
I Am Number Four features an uninspired mashup of X-Men, Smallville and Twilight, bogged down by clichés galore, banal dialogue, convoluted, derivative storyline elements and wooden, bland acting from newcomer Alex Pettyfer as virtuous superhero Number 4 aka John Smith, Glee’s Dianna Agron as syrupy sweet Sara and shockingly, from Justified’s wonderfully talented Timothy Olyphant as John’s guardian figure Henri, who looks bored and embarrassed with the few lines he’s given to deliver.
Did anyone else catch that the evil “Mogadorians” sent to earth to kill John and the eight other superpowered teens from his planet sound an awfully lot like Star Wars: The Phantom Menaces’s “Midi-chlorians,” which also rhymes with John’s home planet of “Lorien?” Whatever!
This leaden paced movie doesn’t finally take off until the last half hour, when (Spoiler Alert!) Aussie actress Teresa Palmer (giving her best, cocksure Han Solo impression) lights up the screen with her charismatic, wisecracking, badass Number 6, blasting through the door. In a bid to steal the film’s dynamic climax from Palmer, John’s loyal protector beagle pup then shapeshifts into a super galactic, behemoth, alien dog aka a Chimera, wherein both Number 6 and the Chimera rush to save John, (and this film!).
I must say that while I started getting nervous that this highly anticipated film just might not be all that the advance hype projected, when “Rolling Stone” and “Entertainment Weekly” magazines and other press were denied previews (and when the lights went out at my local movie theater!) my reason for seeing this film was validated nonetheless.
For some time I had very much looked forward to experiencing the film’s score, knowing that it was crafted by venerable film composer Trevor Rabin, renowned for his esteemed artistry and scores for Armageddon, Remember The Titans,National Treasure 1 & 2 and many more Hollywood celluloid jewels.
Trevor doesn’t have much cinematic foundation to work with here, and kudos to him in that he still manages to work magical wonders with what he is given. Depth and emotional resonance are not to be found in this film. However, they are hallmarks of Rabin’s scores and on I Am Number Four Rabin rises to the occasion just beautifully with compelling excitement, grace, and luster.
There’s a key theme throughout the film that I like to call “photographs, memories, and love theme,” which comes up whenever John looks at meaningful photographs, keepsakes, or he shares a romantic moment with Sara. Eloquent, lyrical, wistful and full of joy, this sublime musical motif is one of the few shining moments that stands out and elevates the film, and ultimately is the beating, emotional heart of I Am Number Four.
What makes this theme even more memorable, is that is Trevor, strumming the understated brushstrokes on guitar, enveloped delicately by his beautiful arrangement for orchestra, painting more emotional depth and breadth with his wonderfully textured, multilayered sonic canvas, than D.J. Caruso’s stilted direction ever does.
On the second screening I Am Number Four proved more enjoyable, largely due to the special effects wizardry of George Lucas’s Industrial Light & Magic®, supporting actor Callan McAuliffe’s sensitive portrayal of John’s friend Sam, oh, and that beagle pup who just kept tugging at my heart. Bring your popcorn, park your brain, and you’ll enjoy this silver screen ride for the exhilarating thrills in its final act, and especially for Trevor Rabin’s sparkling and affecting soundscapes.
© Copyright February 20, 2011 By Arlene R. Weiss-All Rights Reserved
Arlene R. Weiss (14 years ago)
News Update! Trevor’s phenomenal & sublime score which he composed for “I Am Number Four”, is now to be officially released on a soundtrack album! Further details and information on the soundtrack’s release date and record label as soon as they’re confirmed! Many Congratulations to Trevor!
Arlene R. Weiss (14 years ago)
News Update! Trevor’s phenomenal & sublime score which he composed for “I Am Number Four”, is now to be officially released on a soundtrack of the score album! Further details and information on the score album’s release date and record label as soon as they’re confirmed! Many Congratulations to Trevor!
Arlene R. Weiss (13 years ago)
Trevor Rabin’s amazing score which he composed for, “I Am Number Four”, will have an Official, Original Motion Picture Score, Album release, on Varese Sarabande Records, Tuesday, 5/17/2011!
Wonderful news & many Congratulations to Trevor!
Arlene R. Weiss (13 years ago)
Trevor Rabin is the guest speaker, Thursday, 4/28/2011 at the ASCAP “I Create Music” Expo! Very wonderful! and Very Proud of Trevor! I wish I could be there, as all of the ASCAP Expos are very insightful into the creative & business aspects of songwriting, composing, & music! The Seminar is at 3pm PST, at the Expo held at The Renaissance Hollywood Hotel, L.A. CA, USA, entitled, “We Create Music”! and Trevor’s artistry, passion, experience, & insights & one of ASCAP’s most gifted members should make this a fascinating discussion.
Arlene R. Weiss (13 years ago)
Here’s a wonderful backstage photo of Trevor Rabin with Fergie, Producer Mike Elizondo, Songwriter Kevin Rudolf & Claudia Brant from their ASCAP “I Create Music” Expo 2011 Panel “We Create Music”! Photo, just taken a few moments ago!
From Trevor’s ASCAP Expo 2011, “We Create Music” Panel, this is from ASCAP’s Official Facebook site from just a few moments ago, today, Thursday, 4/28/2011!..some direct quotes from Trevor Rabin taken from ASCAP’s Official facebook site.
“I like to try to get the themes done first so there’s a skeleton there for the characters.” Rabin on writing music like fiction.
“I knew that for getting girls, you needed a guitar.” Trevor Rabin talking about his early days and his dad buying him a guitar.
All photos & quotes taken from ASCAP’s Official Facebook site.
Arlene R. Weiss (13 years ago)
From Arlen Roth-Founder & President of The Internatational Guitar Hall Of Fame & Museum: “Hey Trevor Rabin fans! Help induct TREVOR RABIN into the new GUITAR HALL OF FAME, coming to Cooperstown, NY! You can help by visiting our FB page, and clicking “like!” Thanks! Arlen Roth; Founder”
Yesterday, Thursday, 4/28/2011, I contacted Arlen Roth about inducting Trevor Rabin, so Everybody..please show your support for Trevor & please head on over to The Guitar Hall Of Fame’s FB Page & click “Like” & help get Trevor Rabin inducted!
Arlene R. Weiss (13 years ago)
Per, Trevor Rabin’s New, Instrumental Solo Album is now due for a September 2011 Release on Voiceprint Records! Many Congratulations to Trevor!
Very Happy for Trevor, this is just wonderful news!
Arlene R. Weiss (13 years ago)
Trevor Rabin’s Original Motion Picture Score Album for the film, “I Am Number Four”, for which he composed the score, has a NEW Release Date, Now..5/24/2011, on Varese Sarabande Records!
Wonderful news & many Congratulations to Trevor!
Arlene R. Weiss (13 years ago)
Trevor Rabin’s New Instrumental Solo Album, Being Released September 2011, On VoicePrint Records Is Entitled “Edging Closer”!
“At long last it can be officially announced that the new Trevor Rabin solo album will be released during the summer by Gonzo Multimedia. Entitled Edging Closer the new solo album will be his first solo studio album since Can’t Look Away which was released in 1989. The album is an ecelctic album and completely instrumental. The album also features performances from Trevor’s son Ryan who plays drums on two tracks. Elsewhere Lou Molino III plays drums. A full tracklisting and details of the album will follow in the coming weeks.”
“Trevor left Yes following the tour for Talk in the mid nineties although did get back together with a line up of Yes to perform at the Princes Trust in 2004. Trevor has concentrated on writing the soundtracks for a great many successful films over the last 15 years including Armageddon Gone In 60 Seconds, Jack Frost, and Snakes on a Plane to name just a few.”
“”Edging Closer” will be his first solo studio album since Can’t Look Away which was released in 1989.” Posted by Jon Kirkman-Gonzomultimedia
FYI…Gonzomultimedia is the parent co. of VoicePrint Records.
Arlene R. Weiss (13 years ago)
The Title of Trevor Rabin’s New Instrumental Solo Album, Being Released September 2011, On VoicePrint Records is “Edging Closer”!
FYI…Gonzomultimedia is the parent co. of VoicePrint Records.
Arlene R. Weiss (13 years ago)
Update Re: The Title of Trevor Rabin’s New Instrumental Solo Album! The blog entry from VoicePrint Records & GonzoMultimedia announcing the Title as of 5/5/11 as “Edging Closer”..has as of 5/22/2011…NOW been…Maybe there’s been a Change in the Title of Trevor’s Instrumental Solo Album by Trevor…which artists frequently DO sometimes before & right up to their albums release date, and this has 3 and a half more months to go as its set for a September 2011 Release on VoicePrint. Might be a change in Title..I’m not sure yet so guess we all have to STAY TUNED! Whatever Title Trevor names it, will be wonderful and I’m very looking forward to it!
Arlene R. Weiss (13 years ago)
The Title of Trevor Rabin’s New Instrumental Solo Record is reportedly, “Jacaranda”, according to an Interview in the current issue of “Classic Rock Meets Prog Magazine”…(NOT “Edging Closer” as was initially reported in the GonzoMultiMedia/Voiceprint Records Blog).
Arlene R. Weiss (13 years ago)
Trevor’s new, instrumental solo album, “Jacaranda”, his first new studio album in 23 years, will be released 5/8/2012 on Varese Sarabande Records. Here is OFFICIAL Information for availability & purchase & more directly from Varese Sarabande’s OFFICIAL website!
Quote: “Jacaranda is Trevor Rabin’s first new solo album since his 1989 album Can’t Look Away. Rabin plays all of the instruments himself, with the exception of drums, for which he brought in noted jazz/rock drummer Vinnie Colaiuta (Frank Zappa), longtime Rabin drummer and collaborator Lou Molino III, Trevor’s son Ryan Rabin (Grouplove), and noted bass guitarist Tal Wilkenfeld (Jeff Beck) plays on the track “Anerley Road.”
Release Date: 05/08/12
Price: $12.98–Jacaranda/Detail
The complete track listing is also on the first link above from Varese Sarabande Records.
Also this link has info…
Arlene R. Weiss (13 years ago)
3/7/2012 Update on Trevor Rabin’s new instrumental solo album, “Jacaranda”, being released May 8, 2012 on Varese Sarabande/Varese Vintage Records.
Vocalist Liz Constintine is featured on the track “Rescue,” inspired by the film “The Guardian”. There’s also a video Trevor is doing for the album that I believe is with Tal Wilkenfeld, which might be the song “Anerley Road”.
Track List:
1 Spider Boogie
2 Market Street
3 Anerley Road
4 Through The Tunnel
5 The Branch Office
6 Rescue
7 Killarney 1 & 2
8 Storks Bill Geranium Waltz
9 Me And My Boy
10 Freethought
11 Zoo Lake
12 Gazania