Guitar International Launches PSA series with Nick Catanese of Black Label Society

By: Staff

Guitar International welcomes Nick Catanese, the “evil twin” guitarist with Black Label Society, as the first musician to help us promote GI Public Service Announcements.

We met Nick at the Paul Reed Smith Guitars Experience trade show and he was hip to the idea that “We can all merge our ambitions with our altruism.”

G.I. fully supports Musequality, and we’ve offered the charity free promotion space on our pages to help do our part.

Nick chose to support Musequality, a charity established 2007 in the U.K., to take music projects to some of the poorest children in the developing world. The organization’s mission states:

“Our aim is not to produce professional musicians, but to give vulnerable children the chance to learn skills that offer them a route out of poverty, lifting them off the streets and away from the risks of drug culture, violence and crime.”

Musequality has currently established projects in Uganda, South Africa, India, Ghana, Kenya, and Thailand.

G.I. offers a big “Thank you!” to Mr. Catanese for his support of our new Public Service Announcement initiative and for his shout out to Musequality.


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