Summer NAMM 2010: Holloway Harp Guitars

By: Dr Matt Warnock
Video By: Christopher Davis

There are few guitars more catching to the eye than a Harp guitar. They look like a work of art, as though Picasso himself dreamed them up and brought them to life for the world to play. While most of us know these guitars from watching virtuosos such as Michael Hedges performing, more and more players of all levels are venturing out and experimenting with the instrument. In previous years most guitarists were turned away from playing a Harp guitar because of the high price, but Holloway Harp Guitars hopes to change all that. By offering an affordable model, with a solid build and good playability, Holloway is aiming to bring a Harp guitar to those players who’ve always wanted to learn the instrument but felt they couldn’t afford it.

One thing that we noticed at the NAMM show was that people would be slightly nervous when stepping up to try one of these guitars. They would grab one, sit down with it, and then look it at as if they’d never played a string instrument before. But, after spending about a minute or two becoming familiar with the guitar they were able to make music with it. After the initial intimidation factor was gone, most people were reluctant to put it down as they seemed to be having so much fun experimenting and creating new sounds. Holloway definitely had one of the most interesting displays at this summer’s show.

Check Out GI’s Full Coverage of Summer NAMM 2010


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Holloway Harp Guitar on Display

Row of Harp Guitars Wowing Conference Goers

Holloway Harp Guitar waiting for someone to pick it up and give it a strum

One Comment

  1. ronniedobbs (13 years ago)

    FINALLY!!! Now you don’t have to be some over-priveldged trust fund jack off afford a harp guitar. Thank you so much for making affordable instruments for REAL working musicians.