VHT G-100-UL Pittbull Ultra-Lead Head

The VHT G-100-UL Pittbull Ultra-Lead Head is one of the most versatile tube amps you can own. A 120W all-tube amp (5 - 12AX7s, one 12AT7, 4 - 6550s) featuring three fully footswitchable channels, hi and lo inputs, gain stacking for four stages of preamp gain; boost and mid shift (all channels), edge (rhythm and lead), bright (clean), assignable 5-band graphic EQ, master volume, presence and depth controls, a half-power switch, power amp mute, switchable bias for 6550 or 6L6 power tubes, footswitchable variable series or parallel effects loop, and line out. A comprehensive stageboard footswitch included.
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