Guitar International
News and information about electric and acoustic guitars
Tech 21 SansAmp Classic

Tech 21 Trademark 30 30W Guitar Combo DI Amplifer

Tech 21 Sansamp PSA1.1 Preamp

Tech 21 SansAmp Classic

Tech 21 Landmark 600 Bass Head

Tech 21 PSA-1 Footswitch

Tech 21 SansAmp Bass Driver DI

Tech 21 SansAmp XDI

Tech 21 SansAmp GT2 Tube Amp Emulator

Tech 21 DC1 Sansamp Power Supply

Tech 21 Bronzewood 60 Acoustic Combo

Tech 21 DC2 Power Supply

Tech 21 B410 Cabinet

Tech 21 Trademark 60 Combo Amp

Tech 21 Landmark 60 1x12' 60W Bass Combo

Tech 21 Sansamp RBI Rackmount Bass Tube Amp Emulator

Tech 21 Trademark 300 300W 3-Channel Guitar Amp Head with Footswitch

Tech 21 Landmark 300 300W Bass Head

Tech 21 Amplifiers For Sale

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Tech 21 SansAmp Classic

Still made almost entirely by hand, the Classic contains a bank of eight character switches, which adjust the fine and subtle nuances of tonality, harmonics, and dynamics. A 3-position input switch gives you a choice of preamp styles: Lead (for Marshall-type preamps), Normal (for Mesa Boogie-type preamps), and Bass (for Fender-type preamps). The knob controls shape preamp contours, power amp contours, volume, and final tone.

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