Peavey Triple XXX 120W Guitar Amp Head

As hot as the name implies, the Peavey Triple XXX Guitar Amp Head rips. An amp not for the faint of heart, it comes loaded with practical features such as high-gain input and paralleled speaker outputs. Uses 3 - 12AX7 preamp tubes and 4 - 6L6GC power amp tubes. Power amp section can be converted to use 4 - EL34 tubes.Delivers an earth-quaking 120W of pure tube power controlled by a master volume pot and independent volume knobs for each of its 3 channels. The Ultra and Crunch channels have gain controls to further assist in taming this beast while achieving killer sound. Tone contour is accomplished through passive controls for Bass, Mid, and Treble on the Clean channel, while the Ultra and Crunch channels use active Bottom, Body, and Hair (lo, mid, hi) controls.Designed to work equally well into 4-, 8-, or 16-ohm loads, matching this monster to a cabinet is a pleasure, not a pain. Includes footswitchable channel and effects loop, damping switch (tight, medium, loose), and line out with level control. Footswitch included.
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