Marshall MF350 Mode Four Full-Stack Package
Includes MF350H head, MF280A angled cab, and MF280B straight cab.Brutal yet toneful 350W hybrid output is just the beginning of the story. 2-amps-in-one design employs dual preamps, each with an ECC83 valve, and totally independent amps. Both amp types have 2 footswitchable modes with Amp 1 offering Clean and Crunch modes while Amp 2 delivers 2 distinct overdrives. Amp 1 re-creates unmistakable Marshall 100W valve-power roar. The Clean mode produces dynamic, 3-dimensional clean and bluesy crunch. Crunch unleashes the unbridled agression and bite of the JCM800 Series with levels of gain never conceived of in the '80s. Amp 2 dishes up more sheer gain than any other Marshall ever with maximum control in shaping your signature sound.The MF280 cabs are specially engineered to reproduce the balanced mid range and huge bottom end that are a prerequisite for extreme hard rock and nu-metal sounds. Sonically optimized Celestion loudspeaker designs. Pro-gauge internal wiring, increased internal volume, metal logo and piping. Ready for the sonic demands of a high performance head like the MF350 and the extreme physical abuse they may receive on the road.
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