Line 6 Vetta II Head

The unbelievably authentic amp tones of the Line 6 Vetta II Head are based on a world-class collection of vintage and modern amps. Combine them with models of the most sought after stomp boxes to ever hit a pawn shop, plus a rack's worth of studio-grade post-processing gear, and you're halfway there. Vetta II also provides the unique Two Amps at Once feature, which allows you to use any 2 amp and cabinet models either independently or simultaneously. 300W stereo power section can cut through the most demanding performance situations, and also features elaborate pro connections to make it the perfect recording rig. Plus, a direct digital Variax Modeling Guitar input seamlessly integrates Variax's collection of guitars with Vetta II's collection of amps, cabs, and effects. Add an FBV pedal board, and this entire setup can be transformed into virtually any rig you can imagine with just the press of a footswitch. Vetta II the ultimate guitar rig.
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