Crown K2 Power Amp

Crown shows that its excellence and innovation in amp design is alive and well in the new Crown K2 Power Amp. The K2 achieves a level of sonic performance, operating efficiencies, and reliability unequaled by any other amps on the market. Features include a torroid transformer in the power supply for reliability and efficiency, a cast front panel for chassis strength and rigidity, integrated heat dissipation that does away with need for a fan, and soft start that keeps the amp from drawing too much current when first powered up. Crown also built in an innovative BCA output stage for low distortion and noise, a sealed chassis for immunity to environmental problems and TLC circuitry that subtly reduces gain when absolutely required to reduce heat build up. The K2 Power Amp has a Y input switch that lets you feed a signal to 2 channels for added flexibility (using it with the mono bridge allows unused inputs to be used as outputs for daisy-chaining several amps together). Output per channel: 1,250W to 2 ohms, 800W to 4 ohms, or 475W to 8 ohms. Crown includes a full, no-fault, 3-year warranty with the K2 Power Amp.
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