Thom Chacon Lands a Punch with Featherweight Fighter
Thom Chacon is proving, more and more, to be exactly what modern day roots rock needs the most.
Thom Chacon is proving, more and more, to be exactly what modern day roots rock needs the most.
South America has provided quite a few important historical moments in rock n’ roll over the years. Case in point, Kiss performing their final concert in make-up before unmasking in 1983.
Bad Company and Lynyrd Skynyrd have announced a co-headline tour that takes the bands coast-to-coast for 12 dates. Both bands celebrate significant 40th anniversaries in 2013, with Lynyrd Skynyrd having released their debut album on August 13, 1973 and Bad Company being formed that same year.
Spin Doctors will release their new album, If The River Was Whiskey, in the U.K. on May 6 through Ruf Records (US release is April 30).
Origins of Guitar Music in Southern Congo and Northern Zambia 1950 ’51, ’52m ’57,’58 [Sharp Wood Records – 2002] is a collection of songs recorded by the field recordist Hugh Tracey in the 1950s in Zimbabwe, Congo, Malawi, and Zambia.
Blues aficionados know that there’s also a bit of fun to be had when a blues man shows up with some over the top testosterone driven swagger. This fiery mixture defines the guitar work of Edgar Winter’s guitarist, Doug Rappoport.
By: Vince Lewis Pianist Randy Klein is an alumnus of Berklee College of Music. He is an Emmy Award winner for Free To Dance (PBS Great Performances), Beyond Tara – The extraordinary Life Of Hattie Mc Daniel (American Movie Classics) and Richard Wright – Black Boy (PBS/BBC Production). Klien has also enjoyed great success in […]
After months of planning, the 2013 ADDY awards ceremony, which celebrates excellence in advertising, proved to be an exciting night for PRS Guitars and PRS friend and Flying Dog Ale Film Maker, Tim Martin.
Guitarist, David Gilmore, has worked with many top Jazz artists. His credentials include appearances with Esperanza Spaulding, Wayne Shorter, Christian Mc Bride, Sam Rivers, Steve Coleman and David Sanborn.
The 85th Academy Awards® ceremony brought all of their customary sparkle and razzle dazzle to Hollywood’s Dolby Theater, which played host to the Oscars® ceremony this year, and were held on Sunday, February 24, 2013.