Lee Harding: The Counterfeit Sunshine Interview
Finding the right mentor is, and always has been, a huge part of a band’s musical and personal development. Countless bands and solo artists over
Finding the right mentor is, and always has been, a huge part of a band’s musical and personal development. Countless bands and solo artists over
Masterful, eclectic and prolific are all words that can be used to begin to describe guitarist Steve Hackett. From a guitarist’s perspective, Hackett certainly ranks as a “grand master” who has completed his theoretical studies and coupled them with hands on performance experience. His journeyman level work with Genesis, which included Peter Gabriel (lead vocals), Phil Collins (drums and later, lead vocalist), Tony Banks (keyboards) and Mike Rutherford (guitar-vocals), helped in the evolution of the group that would eventually sell 150 million albums.
For people who have long admired the angelic singing voice and celestial talents of Yes’s Jon Anderson, they are well aware that throughout Jon’s creative career as a prolific solo artist, his ongoing collaborations with many esteemed artists, and with Yes,
Instrumental Rock Guitar has had its share of guitar heroes over the years. Steve Vai, Yngvie Malmsteen, Johnny A and Gary Hoey, just to name a few, have all left their stamp on the genre, changing the course of music in the process. While players like this make instrumental rock sound easy to do, releasing an instrumental guitar album is probably one of the most difficult challenges that a guitarist can tackle during their careers.
Keri Kelli, guitarist for Alice Cooper, took some time out to speak with Guitar International right before he hit the stage with Alice in Germany to talk about the digital release of 3 Chords and the Truth from one of his earlier bands Big Bang Babies. He also gives us a rare behind the scenes glimpse of what it’s like to play and share the stage with shock rocker, Alice Cooper.
An accomplished guitarist, teacher and recording artist, Matt Coffman brings his unique approach to the instrument to the world through his website, String Love Guitar. The site offers readers many in-depth articles on developing one’s ability on the guitar, as well as ways to improve one’s practicing and mental relationship to the instrument.
As the Director of Martin Guitar Artist and Limited Editions, Boak collaborates with top celebrity guitarists to design and build some of the most unique and finest instruments made. An affable character who puts everyone at ease, his intellect runs deep and his creative juices smolder with a desire to shake up the status quo while at the same time honoring and protecting the finest aspects of the Martin tradition.
The headstock of a Martin guitar proudly announces that it has been an American tradition since 1833. Seven generations after the small guitar company was established in New York, before migrating to the village of Nazareth, Pennsylvania, the Martin company’s mark is recognized around the world as a benchmark for instrument excellence.
Flavio Sala doesn’t hold back, in his playing or with his words. The multi-talented guitarist, who weaves his music between the classical guitar and world-music genres,
Most Martin Guitar aficianados are familiar with Dick Boak, Director of Martin Guitar Artist and Limited Editions. Dick is the guy at Martin who works with top celebrity guitarists to design and build some of the most unique and finest instruments made.