Coffin Girls and Dean Fashion Show: NAMM Show 2011
Pics from the Dean JAMM fashion show at the 2011 NAMM Show
Pics from the Dean JAMM fashion show at the 2011 NAMM Show
For our purposes though, we need to figure out how to contend with and, ultimately, vanquish the demons that rise up in our process of learning to play the guitar.
Australian guitarist Michael Dolce is a player to keep your eyes and hears tuned to in the coming months and years. Already turning heads across the internet with his unique approach to modern fusion guitar playing, Dolce really turned up the heat on his latest record Everything ‘Till Now. His playing is a mixture of jazz and rock, fused together in a way that is entertaining for the non-guitarist, and mind-blowing for the players in the audience.
The second leg of the Music as a Weapon Tour is going on right now across North America, so this is a great time for heavy metal and hard rock fans across the continent. The tour’s third stop was at the Metro Center in Rockford, IL, and Guitar International was on hand to witness Heavy metal giants Disturbed and Korn co-headline with supporting acts Sevendust and In This Moment, all of whom brought down the house that night in Illinois.
Today’s free tab of the day is Texas Flood by Stevie Ray Vaughan
Saturday at this year’s NAMM show was a big day for major artists making appearances at booths for performances and to sign autographs for long lines of fans. After checking out Steve Vai at Ibanez, Steve Morse at Ernie Ball and Alex Skolnick at Heritage Guitars, I was walking from one side of the room to the other when I happened to pass the Orange amp exhibit, and standing in front of a giant amp, happily signing autographs for his fans, was Mars Volta guitarist Omar Rodriguez-López.
Download “Plush” by the Stone Temple Pilots, today’s officially licensed free tab of the day.
In 1982, Phil Collen joined Def Leppard during the recording session for Pyromania, replacing then current guitarist, Pete Willis. In ‘87 the band released their fourth studio LP Hysteria, then in ’91, after Steve Clark’s untimely death, Phil wrote all of the guitar parts for the megahit album Adrenalize.
Grab the Stray Cat Strut by the Stray Cats, today’s officially licensed free tab of the day.
Today’s Free Authorized Tab of the Day is Santeria by Sublime