Travis Stever of Coheed and Cambria – Playing Every Note of IKSSE: 3 Brings up Great Memories!

By: Robert Cavuoto

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In 2003, Coheed and Cambria released their sophomore CD, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3.

At the time they were a band on the verge to becoming a leading purveyors of imaginative modern rock with Claudio Sanchez’s at to the helm, featuring his incredible voice and guitar playing.

To date IKSSE: 3 has received a RIAA gold certification for U.S. sales in excess of 500,000 with 1 million sales worldwide.

A little over 10 years later, the band has decided to reissue In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3 and celebrate with a major North American tour dubbed Neverender IKSSE: 3,

The band will play the CD in its entirety, as well as some of their other classic as encores.

Many of the dates are already sold out!

I caught up with guitarist, Travis Stever, while out on the road to reflect on the ground breaking CD and the impact it has had on the fans, as well as the band!


Robert Cavuoto: How has the Neverender IKSSE: 3 tour being going so far?

Travis Stever: It’s a great tour, it’s really an amazing feeling to be touring for this CD from so long ago and having so many people come out to the show their love for it. No complaints!

Robert: What’s it like to sell out so many venues?

Travis Stever: It’s incredible! At the end of the tour we will probably be like holy macaroons! Right now it is full speed ahead and trying to put on the best show possible. It’s moving so fast and we are trying to do everything possible, that it’s not hitting us yet. When the crowd is pack the way it’s been, it adds a whole new vibe to the night.

Robert: You sound a bit surprised how well the tour is going over. Was there any apprehension within the band about touring for this CD?

Travis Stever: There was never any apprehension about doing this tour, it was more about when would be the right time. We did a lot of touring for Aftermath and wanted to take a break as Claudio and I was both looking forward to having babies. We wanted be able to experience that for a few months at home. Then it was like what’s our next move? In order to get back into the groove of touring, we wanted to explore this idea further. It seemed like a no brainer. It had been in the works since it 10th anniversary. Of course even for personal ownership we wanted to re-release the CD because it was unavailable and I wanted it on vinyl.

Robert: Beside the anniversary, what do you think makes this album so special to the band and fans?

Travis Stever: This is definitely a landmark album for the band coming into its own. With every CD we progressed and started to be comfortable with each other’s playing. For the tour we did have to revisit the bass tracks with Zach Cooper who has been adding his own flavor to it. I hear it every night. The rest of us played the way we did 10 years ago. It’s kind of a cool exercise; this is where were you were in your career now we moved on to all these different things. There is something to say how much people love it and how good it feels to play these songs. The way they groove and the melodies come about. In that sense it’s almost like a helpful thing creatively.


Robert: When playing this album live are you playing it exactly as it was recorded in the studio note for note?

Travis Stever: There are little things here and there that change but we are true to the songs on the album. There are enough other things in the show that are new, like the encores. When I see a band that I love, I like to see little things being elaborated on but not straying too far from the original.

Robert: How about the guitars and gear that was used 10 years ago in the studio, are you using the same or similar equipment live to capture the true vibe of the time?

Travis Stever: We use Axe-FX preamp/effects processor so it’s endless what we can get out of them sound wise. We created a lot of the tones we got on that album. In the beginning I was more of a stickler in using the right older gear because I wasn’t sold on the whole Axe-FX as its basically playing through a computer, but let me tell you it’s sounds amazing. It’s a whole new world whether social media, music, or the industry even down to the instruments and how they perform. But there is still an art of the music coming from the person. I love the spur of the moment and the mistakes that can come from it. Using Axe-FX as basically our amplifier, you can use any sound to make things better. There are some things that can’t be replaced when playing live like an amp, so I also use a Mark 5 Mega Bogie because it has such a beautiful sound that I love it. If I play smaller venues I use my Lone Star Combo Mesa amp and I love that too. Both Claudio and I couldn’t be more satisfied with the sound of the Axe-FX.

For guitars I’m using my Custom Black Beauty Les Paul and a Gold Top Les Paul that I got a few years ago because they are the best sounding guitars. I used a Les Paul on the album for my parts. I think Claudio used his Gibson Explore most of the time on the CD and plays one of them live not that model but still getting that sound.

Robert: Are you are gearhead at heart?

Travis Stever: I haven’t been a gearhead my whole life, but there have been periods when I get more involved in it, then I sort of fall off [laughing]. I’m one of those musicians who views the song and melody which affects the sound. Claudio is more of the gearhead pedal-wise. Because of that I have been able to pick up a lot from him to use for my sound. I have Claudio to thank for that. When it comes to recording, I have more of an earthy sound. Not that its dry, I’m always finding a new tone. I guess I’m not that particular. There have been times when I think I should have spent some extra time and dialed it up a little bit more [laughing]. You live and learn!

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Robert: When you are on stage performing this CD, I’m sure there are a flurry of things running through your head regarding it. What are some of the special moments you recall about it?

Travis Stever: I think that happens to a lot of musicians while up on stage. The first thing that comes to my mind was being on the road touring it in 2003. For example last night we were in Austin Texas, we played so many venues. It brings back floods of memories playing basements and VFWs. Every time we came back we would play at bigger and bigger venues.

Playing every part on this album just brings up a memory! Like when playing “Three Evils,” I can still remember playing an impromptu show in LA at 2:00am. I can still smell the smoke in the bar. I think the band is at their strongest we have ever been.

Robert: Can we expect a new CD after the tour.

Travis Stever: I’m not really allowed to say. I can tell you there is no lack of creativity with us. People will be happy. We have families to get home to and take care of a few thing but we never stop working.

Robert: Does the band write and record on the road?

Travis Stever: There is a rig that Claudio brought from home that can either go on the bus or in the venue. So we have been working that way.

Robert: Can we expect a DVD/CD from the tour?

Travis Stever: It was streamed on Yahoo and I think there might be more shows being streamed. But never say never – right now there’s no talks of doing a DVD/CD.


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