Bailey’s Bootcamp Basics II Video Review

By: Matthew Warnock

There are few guitarists on the scene today that can boast the performing and teaching career that Sheryl Bailey has built up over the past decade. Not only have her albums been well received, and she is constantly performing as both a leader and side woman, but she has built a reputation as one of the top jazz guitar teachers anywhere, through both her video releases and her work at the Berklee College of Music.

A short while back, Bailey released a series of three video workshops for Mike’s Masterclasses, where she discussed the various skills and techniques needed to master the basics of Bebop jazz guitar. The videos, which sell for the very affordable price of $29.95, contain a “must know” collection of techniques that guitarists of all levels can enjoy and learn from.

After focusing on Scales and Modes during the first volume in the series, Bailey shifts gears as she tackles Chords and Arpeggios during the second video. Not only are the topics relevant, but the explanations are fluid and coherent, her demonstrations are engaging and a joy to listen to, and one walks away from subsequent viewings learning something new each time they revisit the video and accompanying PDF files.

Topics covered in Bailey’s Bootcamp Basics Volume 2:

  • Drop 3 and Drop 2 Voicings
  • Guitar Duos
  • Chords and Basslines
  • Practicing Chords in positions within five frets with voice leading
  • Connecting Chords and Arpeggios
  • Practicing tunes using only arpeggios with the track “Tune Up”
  • Playing bass notes and singing harmony
  • Comping with 3rds and 7ths


As she covers these topics, Sheryl demonstrates each with a clear and concise explanation, as well as playing through examples on the guitar. Accompanying the 90 minute video are three PDF handouts that provide visual references for guitarists that prefer to learn from seeing the notes on the page.


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Chords and Arpeggios are essential tools for any jazz guitarist as they delve into the world of improvising, comping, chord melody playing and solo guitar arranging. Whatever style of jazz you are interested in, the material in Bailey’s Bootcamp Basics Volume 2 is worth checking out. The video and commentary are easy to follow, the material is essential for all levels of players, and Bailey is an engaging educator, even though she is separated from the student via the video.

Any guitarist that is interested in Bebop jazz guitar will enjoy all three volumes in this series, a must have collection of jazz guitar educational material.

One Comment

  1. Beginner Bass Guitar Lesson: Blues Basics (13 years ago)

    […] Bailey's Bootcamp Basics II Video Review A short while back, Bailey released a series of three video workshops for Mike's Masterclasses, where she discussed the various skills and techniques needed to master the basics of Bebop guitar. The videos, which sell for the very affordable price of … Read more on Guitar International […]