The EBow in the new millennium: JOYO Infinite Sustainer JGE-01

By Carlos Martin Schwab

The Joyo JGE-01 Infinite Sustain has garnered considerable attention among guitarists seeking to expand their sonic possibilities. This review will delve into its features, performance, and how it stacks up against competitors like the EBow Plus and the Sustainiac pickup. 

Let’s start with the basics. The JGE-01 is a compact device designed to provide endless sustain to electric guitars. Its straightforward interface consists of a single button for activation and 2 sustain modes. In terms of performance, the JGE-01 delivers on its promise of infinite sustain. This little device sustains notes indefinitely, allowing for expressive playing techniques like volume swells and harmonic drones. Here’s a detailed description of each sustain mode: 

Sustain Mode: It generates a magnetic field that vibrates the guitar strings, creating a sustained note similar to that produced by a bow on a violin or cello. To use this mode, you hold the JGE-01 over the string you want to sustain, close enough to induce vibration but not touching it directly. As the string vibrates, the device picks up the signal from the string and amplifies it, resulting in a continuous, sustained sound. This mode allows for long, flowing notes and can be manipulated by moving the sustainer closer to or further from the string, and adjusting the position along the length of the string. 

Harmonic Mode: It produces harmonic overtones instead of sustaining the fundamental pitch of the string. When activated, the JGE-01 generates a harmonic frequency that resonates with the string, causing it to vibrate at a higher frequency than its fundamental pitch. This mode is often used to create ethereal, bell-like tones and can be particularly effective when used on higher strings or at specific fret positions where harmonics naturally occur. Like the sustain mode, the harmonic mode can also be manipulated by adjusting the position of the device relative to the string and by varying the intensity of the magnetic field it produces. 

One of the key advantages of the JGE-01 is its affordability. Compared to other sustain solutions on the market, such as the EBow Plus and the Sustainiac pickup, the JGE-01 offers similar functionality at a lower cost. This makes it an attractive option for guitarists on a budget or those looking to experiment with sustain effects without breaking the bank. As the EBow, it is made of plastic (with the same risk of damage in case of a fall) and powered by a 9V battery (comes with 2 9V batteries in a cardboard box). 

Now, let’s delve into how the JGE-01 compares to its competitors. The EBow Plus is a well-established choice among guitarists seeking infinite sustain. Like the JGE-01, it allows for expressive playing techniques, offers control over sustain levels, and has the same 2 sustain modes. However, the EBow Plus typically comes with a higher price tag, making it less accessible to some players. In terms of performance, both the JGE-01 and EBow Plus deliver comparable results regarding sustain duration and sound quality. However, some users may prefer the feel and ergonomics of one over the other. 

Another contender in the sustain market is the Sustainiac pickup, which is fixed directly into the guitar and provides 3 different sustain modes (sustain, harmonic, and mix) at the flick of a switch. While the Sustainiac offers the convenience of being integrated into the instrument, it requires modification to install and may not be compatible with all guitar models. Additionally, the cost of retrofitting a guitar with a Sustainiac pickup can be substantial. Compared to the Sustainiac, the JGE-01 offers greater versatility, as it can be used with any electric guitar equipped with a standard pickup configuration. This makes it a more accessible option for guitarists who want to add sustain effects to their existing setup without extensive modifications. 

In conclusion, the Joyo JGE-01 Infinite Sustain pedal is a compelling choice for guitarists looking to expand their sonic palette with endless sustain effects. Its affordable price point, ease of use, and comparable performance to higher-priced competitors make it a standout option in the market. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to sustain effects, the JGE-01 offers a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality or performance. 

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Carlos Martin Schwab thanks Hin, from Joyo Technology Co., for his technical help with this review.

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