By: Rick Landers
Michael DeMarco, owner of Earp’s Ordinary, Fairfax, Virginia
Beginning with a vision to start a new venture is exciting. And when that vision entails redeveloping a brick and mortar footprint to become an entertainment hot spot, while gathering a network of professional musicians, attracting a regional customer base, and investing one’s life’s savings to make a dream come true, it demands the essence, if not the reality of blood, sweat and tears.
When I first met some of the finest, most hardworking and standup owners of a pop-up venue called, Earp’s Ordinary, I was charmed by their enthusiasm, “pedal to the metal” work ethic and true grit. And when I got to know Earp’s staff, I was equally impressed. From what I could tell the pop-up restaurant held about 60 diners, and the place pulled in folks who not only enjoyed good food and drink, but paid attention to the musicians on stage. And although I’d personally hosted house concerts, I was also introduced to the phrase, “listening room”.
I played an open mic with my band mates and one of the owners, Michael DeMarco, came up after our first set and offered us a gig. More followed, and my first impression of Earp’s has never faltered. Sometime after we performed, I learned of Michael’s business plan to open up a 300-capacity larger Earp’s around the corner in a vacant building in downtown Fairfax, Virginia.Other performers were offered gigs through a partnership with the Songwriters Association of Washington (SAW), and a network of musicians was formed.
If you’ve ever had a dream and worked towards its reality, you know that the road to a dream’s making can bring excitement, satisfaction and fun. Still, to make that dream come true, there are long hours, frustrations, bills to pay, and payrolls to make. There’s also a tough learning curve, setbacks with construction milestones, some costly, and the red tape of permits, OSHA and other government requirements. The owner of Earp’s has run that gauntlet and has persevered.
So, here we are today with the large Earp’s Ordinary on the cusp of opening with a solid base of ready customers, an expanded staff of new hires and a vetted community of excellent musicians ready, steady to go. It’s also hump day, the proverbial time when a final financial lift is needed to make the vision a reality.
And those same fine folks at pop-up Earp’s that we’ve all come to.embrace as part of our music community, need our help to offer Northern Virginians and visitors to the DC-MD-VA area a hot spot of fine music, good eats and drink, and a place for all of us to enjoy – Earp’s Ordinary.
So, here’s a note from owner, Michael DeMarco, that’s an “ask,” but one from a music enthusiast and entrepreneurial friend whose dream I believe has.great promise and one that I expect will bring us much future joy, and one that will let the good times roll.
Become a Community Partner with Earp’s Ordinary
My name is Michael DeMarco, and I am the owner of Earp’s Ordinary in Fairfax, Virginia.
Four years ago, I started the long process of developing a business plan to create a music venue, restaurant, and bar here in the City of Fairfax.I have a lifelong love of music and have leveraged that love, along with my skills from the corporate world, to create a space for local and touring musicians to showcase their talent as well as provide a welcoming environment for music lovers of all ages to enjoy live performances.
We have expended a tremendous amount of energy and financial resources to get the venue completed with all required permits, and we are so close to opening. Our hearts and souls, not to mention sweat and tears,have been poured into this dream of having a music venue in the heart of the City of Fairfax.However, we find ourselves short of funding to be able to open our doors. This is why I am reaching out to you today to ask for your support in making this venue a reality.
We are aiming to raise $50,000 in working capital funds in order to open our doors.
Your contribution will go directly towards inventory, small wares, finishing touches and operating expenses. These funds will help us provide the best possible experience for both performers, staff, family, friends and the community. By giving $200, $500, or whatever you can give, you will be part of the grand opening of a place that will feature live music, great food, fantastic drinks, and having a wonderful time with friends and family.
We are a community-powered venue. Without you, we can’t succeed. Help us bring the dream to life and contribute today, so that we can get the music playing, drinks flowing, and the good times rolling.We appreciate any support you can provide, whether through a financial contribution and/or by sharing this letter with your network of friends and family.
To contribute:via Venmo, log into your Venmo account on a web browser or go to your Venmo app and search for @earpsordinary.
Checks can be made out and sent to: Earp’s Ordinary LLC, 10212 Scout Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Thank you for your consideration, and we hope to see you soon at Earp’s Ordinary!
Michael DeMarco
(703) 201-2209
Earp’s Ordinary – Interior Concept Image