By: Rick Landers
Rain hit hard today at Sweetwater‘s GearFest 2015 and umbrellas became the gear of the moment, until the bad weather passed and the crowds found their way back into the big white tents. Under cover, everyone took in the mix of musical instruments; audio equipment and a spot set-aside for vintage and “open box” stuff.
We checked out an old Hagstrom, some Gretsches, a Harmony guitars and other road worn beasts up for sale, as well as an assortment of amps, cables, cases, and other gear.
One stand had a pile of thumbed through guitar magazines from the distant past to give away…all for free to passersby.
Today’s a work day for most people, but plenty of music enthusiasts were able to get away. As the day went by, it began to be a chore to wade through the crowd. But it was a happy crowd and everyone seemed pumped about checking out the assortment of gear, pulling out their wallets to take something home or getting a photo with one of the music legends roaming around.
And, of course, Sweetwater was offering a seminar series covering the gamut of information musicians find helpful to hone their songwriting, recording, editing and production skills, and a full spectrum of music education interests.
Analog Alien crew