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Before James Taylor’s breakaway hit “Fire and Rain,” the sensitive Taylor traveled a hard road, suffering from depression, drug abuse and fitful starts and stops to his life, let alone his musical ambitions. But, the magic of music kept pulling him forward and his talents propelled him to erratic success until “Fire and Rain” literally made him a household name.
His first album, on Apple Records, titled simply, James Taylor, gained critical traction and would likely have been his first big break, but his depression got the better of him and a hospital stay did not allow him to promote the record. Rolling Stone’s writer Jon Landau, wrote a solid review of the album saying, “this album is the coolest breath of fresh air I’ve inhaled in a good long while. It knocks me out.”
In 1970, the singer/songwriter joined up with the female singer/songwriter named Carole King, whose writing legacy already included a successful stint in the Brill Building with several hits to her name, including the 1962 Little Eva hit “Loco-Motion,” which King wrote with Gerry Goffin. With the help of Carole, James would unleash his second album Sweet Baby James, on Warner Brothers Records, that would reach #3 on the Billboard charts, along with the song, “Fire and Rain” that nailed down the #3 position as a hit single. At the time, it became known that the second line of the track’s lyrics referred to his childhood friend, Suzanne Schnerr, who had committed suicide while he was in England recording his first album.
Today, “Fire and Rain” is a staple song for all new acoustic players to learn with Taylor’s personal stamp laid down on his guitar, as well as the plaintiff and still thought-provoking lyrics.
Get the officially licensed TAB for “Fire and Rain” Guitar TAB Available Here
Get the officially licensed TAB for “Fire and Rain” Guitar TAB Available Here
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Jensen Lee (14 years ago)
The verses of James Taylor’s breakout hit “Fire and Rain” describe different phases of Taylor’s life to that point. I recently posted on my Rockaeology blog at that the first verse was about the suicide of Taylor’s friend Suzanne Schnerr. Other verses describe his battle with heroin addiction and depression. Taylor was hospitalized in Manhattan and at Austen Riggs, a psychiatric facility in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
Taylor’s “Sweet dreams and flying machines” refers to his former group, the Flying Machine.