Michael Dolce Lesson: Soloing Over a One-Chord Vamp

By: Michael Dolce
Intro By: Dr. Matt Warnock

Michael Dolce Guitar

Michael Dolce

Australian guitarist Michael Dolce is a player to keep your eyes and hears tuned to in the coming months and years. Already turning heads across the internet with his unique approach to modern fusion guitar playing, Dolce really turned up the heat on his latest record Everything ‘Till Now.

His playing is a mixture of jazz and rock, fused together in a way that is entertaining for the non-guitarist, and mind-blowing for the players in the audience.

In this exclusive video lesson, Dolce talks about expanding your melodic vocabulary, including taking four-note arpeggios through scale patterns as well as introducing the Melodic Minor scale, and its many harmonic possibilities in a soloing context.

An experienced, and highly in demand teacher, Dolce lays out these ideas in an easy to understand fashion, allowing you to take these ideas and apply them to your playing right away.

If you would like to grab a transcription of Michael’s playing in this video you can sign up for his free newsletter, where he plans on publishing the transcription coming up shortly.

While you’re there check out his other lessons, killer material, and if you haven’t already, grab his latest album, you won’t be disappointed.


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  1. Tweets that mention Michael Dolce Lesson: Soloing Over a One-Chord Vamp | Guitar International Magazine -- Topsy.com (14 years ago)

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jimmy Page. Jimmy Page said: Michael Dolce Lesson: Soloing Over a One-Chord Vamp: … to modern fusion guitar playing, Dolce really turned up… http://bit.ly/dRue9B […]

  2. Tom Helm (13 years ago)

    Absolutely masterful!!! Love it.