Vampire Weekend Cousins Guitar Tab: Free Vampire Weekend Guitar Tabs

“Cousins” – Vampire Weekend

Free Official TAB of the Day

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Remember, the first ten downloads are free so act fast before they’re all gone.

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Overview: What Makes This Song Great

  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Genre: Alternative Rock
  • Guitar TAB: Available Here
Vampire Weekend Cousins

Vampire Weekend Cousins

New York indie-rock band Vampire Weekend hit it big when their second album Contra was released and debuted at number 1 on the Billboard charts. The album would go on to have worldwide success, and the record’s lead-off single “Cousins” would become the flagship song for the bands new-found popularity. With a quirky guitar part, erratic drum beat with auxiliary percussion and contemplative lyrics, the song has come to define the unique and highly personal sound that the band brings to the indie-rock table.

From a guitarists standpoint the song offers several different challenges, all of which are fun to tackle, as you get the various rhythm and lead parts under your fingers. The opening riff, which mixes single-lines with chords, is great for building groove and dexterity in your fingers. But, even more interesting is the tremolo picked mandolin-inspired descending lines that recur throughout the song.

These melodic phrases are great for building up your right hand technique and two-hand coordination. If you’re having trouble with these lines just take them out of context, slow them down, work on them for a few days, then go back and try them with the song again. Though it’ll take a little while to get it perfect, spending the time on these lines will pay off, not only with this song, but will also improve your overall technique in the process.


Video Clip

Get the officially licensed TAB for “Cousins” Guitar TAB Available Here

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Tab Sample Page

Get the officially licensed TAB for “Cousins” Guitar TAB Available Here

Vampire Weekend Cousins Tab

Vampire Weekend Cousins Tab


Don’t forget to visit United We Tab to download this chart today!

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  1. Tweets that mention Vampire Weekend "Cousins" Tab | Guitar International Magazine -- (14 years ago)

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Martin Guitar. Martin Guitar said: RT @Gtrintlmag: Free Tab of the Day: Vampire Weekend “Cousins” @vampireweekend […]