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Often referred to as Roger Waters’ first solo album, The Wall has become known as the iconic Pink Floyd album, though the rest of the band barely contributed to the writing and arranging of the album. There were three notable exceptions to these circumstances, with the most famous being “Comfortably Numb,” which was co-written between Waters and David Gilmour, with the guitarist handling the musical side and the bassist contributing lyrics. The song is also one of only two songs on the double-album that stands alone, in that it doesn’t fade in from or out to the next song.
For guitarists, “Comfortably Numb” has long been a source of two important steps in their learning process, tackling a Bm chord and digging into a fun, yet not too complex guitar solo. As any guitarist will testify, the Bm chord is usually the first major voicing hurdle that we all tackle at some point during the initial 6 months or so after picking up the instrument. While there are other songs out there that use Bm, “Comfortably Numb” uses it throughout its entirety and doesn’t contain any other barre chords, allowing you to work on this tricky, yet often used voicing without worrying about any other barre chords tripping you up along the way.
Of course the final guitar solo on this track is fairly challenging, the opening lead break that occurs just after 2 minutes into the song is a manageable line that works as a great introduction to soloing for guitarists who are ready to take that step in their playing. Not only is it easy to play, but it’s full of the melodic tricks, bends, slides etc. that made Gilmour’s playing famous. Check it out, you won’t be disappointed.
Get the officially licensed TAB for “Comfortably Numb” Guitar TAB Available Here
Get the officially licensed TAB for “Comfortably Numb” Guitar TAB Available Here
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Tweets that mention Free Tab of the Day: Pink Floyd “Comfortably Numb” - Guitar International -- (14 years ago)
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Uncle Weed. Uncle Weed said: RT @PinkFloydGeek: Free Tab of the Day: Pink Floyd “Comfortably Numb” #pinkfloyd […]
Jim Clark (11 years ago)
The Guitar International website makes a big deal about the song “Comfortably Numb” permitting the beginning guitarist to concentrate on learning the Bm chord. Yet the imbedded video shows the acoustic rhythm guitarist incorrectly playing a B major chord. Why is it that most guitar tab and instruction on the Internet is just plain wrong.