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Featuring a triple-guitar track, catchy lyrics and a driving beat, “Take Me Out” was the single that launched Scottish band Take Me Out onto the global music scene. Upon first listen, most guitarists might pass this song over as just another Indie-Pop-Rock song that’s not worth sitting down and spending the time to work out, but those folks would miss out on some serious riffage by doing so.
“Take Me Out” features three guitar parts, most of the time playing three completely different riffs or chords, which provides a plethora of material for any fan of modern alternative rock to get under their fingers. There are single-note riffs, octaves (where the same note is played on two different strings to thicken the sound of the note), barre chords and power chords. Everything one needs to do up a smash modern rock hit. Check out this track, as a guitarist it’ll broaden your horizons and you’ll have a ton of fun jamming along to the record as you work through the song.
Get the officially licensed TAB for “Take Me Out” Guitar TAB Available Here
Get the officially licensed TAB for “Take Me Out” Guitar TAB Available Here
Don’t forget to visit United We Tab to download this chart today!
Free Tab of the Day: Franz Ferdinand “Take Me Out” – Guitar International | Guitar Info Zone (14 years ago)
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